
Darwin Books

Darwin Books började 2003 som ett specialförlag för facklitteratur inom områdena motor och samlande. Som första produktion utkom i september 2003 The World of Car Badges - en referensbok för vagnmärken från världens alla kungliga och nationella automobilklubbar. Boken som var den första i sitt slag i världen, är en värdig representant för förlagets grundidé - att producera unika böcker inom områden som aldrig tidigare dokumenterats.

På den vägen har vi fortsatt sedan dess, men Darwin Books går under 2010 mot nya områden inom litteraturen. Claes Gustavsson blir genom Den osynlige mannen förlagets förste skönlitteräre författare.

Darwin Books is a Swedish publishing company specialising in the fields of motoring and collecting. The first Darwin production, released in September 2003, was a reference book for car badges from all the royal and national automobile organisations of the world – The World of Car Badges. Being the first of its kind, the book is a worthy representative of our fundamental idea – to produce unique books within motor related areas previously undocumented.

In 2004 Darwin brought out its second publication, Speed in Sweden, which took the reader on a unique photo odyssey through Sweden’s motor sports history – from the first tentative efforts of the pioneers on a Sunday in June of 1904, via the visits by legends such as Juan Manuel Fangio and Stirling Moss in the 1950s, and onto the stars of today.

Both these books have been out of stock for a long time, however updated editions are planned. Apart from the World of Car Badges series, which will continue on the same track, Darwin Books plan future releases of pocket guide books for autojumblers. The first of these titles will be published in the spring of 2010.